Realising Exascale together – DEEP-SEA, IO-SEA and RED-SEA
DEEP-SEA is deeply intertwined with its two EU-funded sister projects IO-SEA and RED-SEA. Just like DEEP-SEA, which focuses on the programming environment for European Exascale systems, the other projects also have their own specific focus. IO-SEA provides a novel data management and storage platform for Exascale computing, while RED-SEA enhances the European interconnect technology BXI and its related low-level software. All three build upon the results of past and current European projects, and they draw on a vast network of partner institutions and private companies from all over Europe. Together, the three projects pursue a common vision to create a complete and sustainable European High Performance Computing (HPC) ecosystem for an Exascale architecture. To achieve this, they align their efforts with hardware-focused projects such as the European Processor Initiative.
The three independent projects organise joint workshops on a regular basis, where their experts exchange ideas and experiences. They also organise joint booths and presentation slots at events, such as the SC in the USA or the ISC in Germany, in order to promote themselves and their work to the HPC industry and other interested parties.
For the latest news on all three projects and for more information on which partners and European countries are involved, visit the SEA projects website For info on RED-SEA, visit, more specific info on IO-SEA can be found on

The SEA projects and the EuroHPC JU
DEEP-SEA, IO-SEA and RED-SEA are part of the EuroHPC JU project family. Founded as a public-private partnership, the EuroHPC JU’s goal is to enable EU countries to maintain and expand their position as world leaders in the HPC industry and develop new HPC capacities. In the particular case of the three SEA projects, they are part of the 10 projects funded under the EuroHPC-01-2019 call (Extreme scale computing and data driven technologies).
For more information on the EuroHPC JU, visit
The projects from the EuroHPC19 call also have a website featuring details and news on the projects