The videos made as part of the DEEP project serve to explore various aspects of HPC and to present them in a comprehensible way.

A final presentation of the DEEP-SEA project
DEEP-SEA Final Presentation

April 2024 – This final presentation video details the challenges on the road to Exascale and how the DEEP-SEA project’s MSA architecture was designed to overcome these.
The fourth episode in the SEA series
The SEA Projects Series – Episode 4: The IO-SEA Project – Key Highlights & Path Forward

March 2024 – Episode 4 in the SEA video series covers the accomplishments and key highlights of the IO-SEA project. The results of the project are presented by Maike Gilliot, Project Administrative Co-ordinator, and Philippe Deniel, Project Technical Co-ordinator.
The third episode in the SEA series
The SEA Projects Series – Episode 3: The Terrestrial Systems Modelling Platform (TSMP) Weather

March 2024 – The Terrestrial Systems Modelling Platform (TSMP) is a fully coupled, massive parallel regional Earth system model, used in many setups to simulate complex interactions and feedbacks between the different compartments of the geo-ecosystem. In the third part of the series, Dr. Daniel Caviedes-Voullième, team leader at the Simulation and Data Laboratory Terrestrial Systems at Forschungszentrum Jülich, explains his research and how it benefits from the DEEP-SEA project.
The second episode in the SEA series
The SEA Projects Series – Episode 2: Space Weather

September 2023 – In the the second video of the series, Giovanni Lapenta from the KU Leuven explains his astrophysical research on solar winds known as “space weather” and how DEEP-SEA supports this work.
A new tool to avoid performance bottlenecks in HPC
Extra-P – A performance-modeling tool for applications on HPC systems

September 2023 – Researchers from TU Darmstadt and ETH Zurich have developed “Extra-P”, a software tool that enables application developers to identify the sources of poor scaling before it becomes apparent. This video shows the benefits of this free-of-charge tool and how it can be used.
Credits: TU Darmstadt in collaboration with ETH Zurich
The first episode in the SEA series
The SEA Projects Series – Episode 1: Introduction to Modular Supercomputing

August 2023 – In this video, DEEP-SEA project lead Estela Suarez explains how DEEP-SEA, together with the SEA projects, aims to realise the common vision of the MSA and how the three projects work together.
The collaboration between DEEP-SEA, IO-SEA and RED-SEA
The SEA projects: a Summary

September 2022 – This SEA projects video shows what areas DEEP-SEA, IO-SEA and RED-SEA focus on and how they cooperate with each other.
Celebrating the anniversary of the project series
10 Years DEEP Projects

DEEP projects celebrate their 10th anniversary. The project series with the goal to develop a novel HPC architecture that paves the way for European exascale systems started in December 2011 with their first project “DEEP” (Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform). The sequence continued with DEEP-ER (Extended Reach), DEEP-EST (Extreme Scale Technologies) and the latest endeavor DEEP-SEA (Software for Exascale Architectures). DEEP-SEA started on April 1, 2021 with a term of 3 years.
So far over 30 partners from 13 European countries have been involved in the DEEP projects. This concentration of expertise made it possible to celebrate great successes like the installation of the first modular supercomputer worldwide, the JURECA cluster booster system, or the installation of the DEEP-EST prototype, that features a general-purpose Cluster Module (CM), a focused Data Analytics Module (DAM) and an Extreme Scale Booster (ESB) module.
Watch the video to find out more about the DEEP projects and the major milestones that we reached on the way to a European exascale system.