DEEP podcast
The DEEP podcast explores a wide range of topics in HPC. Find a list of all episodes below.

DEEP Podcast – episode 1: Introduction in Modular Supercomputing Architecture
Welcome to our new DEEP podcast! Our first episode will give you a brief overview on DEEP-EST and the new approach of a Modular Supercomputing Architecture. On the phone: Dr. Estela Suarez from the Jülich Supercomputing Centre in Germany and the project leader of DEEP-EST.
DEEP Podcast – episode 2: Programming Models for High Performance Computing
How can scientists leverage the extrem hardware performance of supercomputers? The answer is “programming models”. They are needed to parallelize the codes and allow the applications to use the provided resources in the best way. But with a heterogeneous HCP system the existing programming models might reach their limits. And how might an Exascale programming model look like? Dr Mark Bull from the EPCC at The University of Edinburgh gives some answers to that question.
DEEP Podcast – episode 3: System Monitoring for High Performance Computing
On the way to exascale systems, the usage of energy will be a crucial aspect. New approaches are needed to make HPC systems more energy efficient. System monitoring and management can not only help to optimize the usage of computing resources with a supercomputer, but also boost energy efficiency in HPC. In this episode of the DEEP podcast, Dr. Michael Ott from the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre will talk about the issues of system monitoring in HPC.
DEEP Podcast – episode 4: GPU & FPGA – HPC in Radio Astronomy
Accelerators like GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) and FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) have become a important part of modern HPC systems. Some workloads can benefit massively from the usage of accelerators, compared to pure CPU-based systems. In this episode of our podcast, Dr. John W. Romein from ASTRON is talking about his experiences with the use of GPUs and FPGAs, especially with regard to applications in radio astronomy.
DEEP Podcast – episode 5: How To Get Started With HPC!
Most students and junior researchers get in touch with supercomputing at some point of their career. And not only in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math). Also humanities discovered the benefits of HPC. In this episode of our podcast, Prof. Dr. Norbert Eicker from the University of Wuppertal and Lead Architect of DEEP-EST talks about how students and junior researchers can enter the world of high-performance computing.