Software Sources

The DEEP-SEA project has continued the development of key DEEP projects software components and did integrate them into a highly efficient, easy to use HPC software stack ; all except three of these components are freely available under open source licenses, with two of these combining open source and optimized closed-source elements.

To simplify installation, these DEEP-SEA software components are, with some exceptions, distributed as EasyBuild configuration files, and as spack packages. Please refer to the documentation for EasyBuild and spack for instructions. Also, you can easily find the location of upstream software development repositories in the configuration files/packages on the Easybuild or spack repositories.

For certain SW components, no Easybuild or spack packages were created; reasons include that these will be used on desktop/laptop systems, require deep integration into system SW and root privileges, or are of a research nature and therefore relatively immature.

DEEP-SEA repository for Easybuild Recipes

The Easybuild recipes for DEEP-SEA SW components are publicly available from the JSC public Gitlab at The list of DEEP-SEA SW components covered is available here.

LRZ Repository for spack packages

The available spack packages for DEEP-SEA SW components can be accessed at LRZ’s spack repository at The list of DEEP-SEA SW components covered is available here.

DEEP-SEA SW Components

Arax accelerator middleware
CaDiSa container-based Cluster sandbox
CSRAM - HybroGen processing in memory compiler and QEMU simulator plugin
DaCe high-level parallel programming environment
DCDB monitoring framework
DLB dynamic load balancer
ecoHMEM data placement optimiser
Extrae application tracing tool
Extra-P performance modeling tool
forMA RMA performance analyser
GPI-2 PGAS programming model
GPUscout GPU data transfer analyser
GPI-Space task-based workflow management system
KNOC and HPK Kubernetes workflow tools
LLview monitoring & visualization tool
MemAxes memory access analysis tool
Mitos memory performance collector
MPC MPI and OpenMP programming framework
MUSA multi-level simulator
NabLab scientific computing environment
OmpSs-2 task-based programming model
OmpSs-2@Cluster distributed-memory version of OmpSs
Atos/Eviden OpenMPI implementation
ParaStation MPI system and pscom communication layer
ParaVer trace analysis tool
PROFET model for impact of memory on application performance
SABO load balancer
Scalasca performance analysis framework
Score-P profiling and tracing framework
SHAMBLES memory profiler and page migration layer
Simgrid application simulator
SIONlib parallel I/O library
Slurm data mover extensions
Slurm malleability and monitoring extensions
sys-sage topology query tool
Taz network simulator
HMEM-aware Tensorflow
X.509 support for Singularity containers
xHC hierarchical MPI collectives
ZSim and DRAMsim3 processing-in-memory simulators

Atos/Eviden Dynamic Power Optimiser

The Dynamic Power Optimiser (referred to in DEEP-SEA as BDPO) tool is developed and distributed by Atos/Eviden under a commercial, closed-source license. Information on the tool and on contact points at Atos/Eviden is contained in a separate document.