Training Material
Here you can find material from various training sessions related to the DEEP projects.
Material from the Final SEA Projects Workshop “A Flexible, Integrated Software Stack for HPC Systems”, held on January 16th, 2024 at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre in Munich, Germany:
15 October, 2021, DEEP-SEA weekly seminars
Optimization cycles — MemAxes / Mitos
Measurement, analysis, and visualization of data movements on HPC nodes
3 September, 2021, DEEP-SEA weekly seminars
Extra-P: Application Performance Modelling and Application Mapping
21 August, 2021, DEEP-SEA weekly seminars
Scalasca Trace Tools
A scalable trace based performance analysis toolset
2 July, 2021, Online
SEA JUBE Benchmarking Workshop
Internal Workshop for members of the three SEA projects, 02.07.2021
26 August, 2019, Jülich, Germany
High Performance Computing – Advanced Scientific Computing
Lecture for students at Forschungszentrum Jülich, 26.08.2019
23 August, 2019, Dresden, Germany
Neural Architecture Search with Reinforcement Learning
5th International Summer School on Big Data and Machine Learning, Technical University of Dresden, 23.08.2019
27 June, 2018, Frankfurt, Germany
Tutorial on machine learning and data analytics
International Supercomputing Conference (ISC) 2018